In the first of a two part series on learnings from award-winning coaching programme, Coaching through Covid and Beyond, which offered pro-bono coaching to health workers during the pandemic, Liz Hall explores how to enhance coaches’ capacity to coach in challenging times. Description: The Covid-19 crisis has arguably put the spotlight on how we coach in times of crisis even more so than the Global Financial Crisis of 2008. This time, wealth offers little protection – most people are being impacted and are likely to be for some time in a variety of ways.
What does it mean to coach in times of crisis,
individual and/or collectively? This article is not intended to be definitive
but to offer some potentially helpful pointers and perspectives. It draws
partly on research material (some published, some not published until now) for
a book I edited and co-authored on coaching in times of crisis (Hall, 2015), not
realising that the book would have such a long shelf life!
Description: One year on, Coaching through Covid continues to offer pro-bono coaching to NHS and other key workers, and to role model agile compassionate leadership. Coaches report benefits such as reduced anxiety, and greater levels of resilience and self-care. Volunteers are benefiting too, reporting a greater sense of purpose, tapping into community, learning and even joy. Coaching through Covid co-founder Liz Hall Director magazine This article argues that it’s no longer tenable to refuse to work with clients with health issues. Occupational Health and Wellbeing The Guardian’s Caroline Holtum asked experts including Liz Hall
to give their advice on engaging parts of business that seem to be holding
sustainability back.
One of the biggest
challenges sustainability professionals face is short-termism. The
Guardian’s Caroline Holtumasked experts including Liz Hall for their views.
The Guardian’s Caroline Holtumasked experts including Liz Hall
for their views.
Personnel TodayCoaching at Work, March/April 2024
COVID: what we learnt
Coaching at Work, 2021
How to coach clients in a crisis
March/April 2021
Covid: a year in coaching, Vol 16, Issue 2
20 January 2020
Liz Hall, How to be a great coach,
Coaching at Work 2017
Special report: Coaching in a crisis. Part 1- working with mental health issues. Liz Pick and Liz Hall report.
2 June 2017
Liz Hall, How coaching staff can help them deal with change and stress,
Do middle-managers and finance block progress towards sustainability?
May 2014
Top tips for overcoming short-termism in sustainability
Collaboration is often hindered by a lack of trust but what are the strategies to overcome it?
1 May 2013
Liz Hall, How practising mindfulness in the workplace can boost productivity,