Our mission, passion and purpose is to support you,your teams and your organisations to unlock your potential, grow, develop and flourish, even in challenging conditions

How we do this depends on what’s right for you.
WHAT WE OFFER includes:

  • Coaching (executive, personal, and team coaching)
  • Coach training (Conscious Coach- mindfulness & compassion-based development for coaches)
  • Leadership development (including mindfulness & leader-as-coach training)
  • Mindfulness introductory sessions and programmes for employees including managers & leaders
  • Customised workshops & development programmes including for stress management, boosting resilience, enhancing emotional intelligence, and developing creativity
  • Mindfulness programs for the general public including
    Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
  • Climate crisis coaching and workshops
  • Public speaking
  • Writing & editing


“For there is always light,
If only we’re brave enough to see it,
If only we’re brave enough to be it.
– From The Hill we Climb, Amanda Gorman (American poet)”

Our values and our philosophy

  • Unconditional positive regard for all fellow beings
  • Trusting others and creating psychological safety
  • Being committed to learning and developing- ourselves,
    with others & helping others learn & develop
  • Seeking out opportunities to be creative & innovative
  • Being collaborative and working in partnership
  • Being honest & ethical and having integrity
  • Being authentic & encouraging authenticity

  • Being courageous & encouraging courage
  • Feeling & showing appreciation & gratitude
  • Being compassionate to ourselves & others…. and dare we
    mention the L word…bringing love into the work that we do
  • Being mindful
  • Seeking sustainability
  • Taking a systemic stance, including the Earth and future generations as stakeholders

Our philosophy rests on the following beliefs:

  • We all perform best when we know who we are, are able to be truly ourselves, and work with our passions and strengths
  • How we think creates our reality
  • Life is full of uncertainty, ambiguity and change, which coaching and mindfulness help us navigate & embrace

  • Human beings are innately resourcefulc
  • Human beings have more in common than they do differences, however
    difference and diversity are to be honoured and celebrated
  • Life’s challenges present us with opportunities to learn and transform

Trusted partners

We all have full professional indemnity insurance, are members of
professional coaching bodies, undertake regular continuous
professional development and supervision, and abide by professional coaching codes of ethics, including the Global Code of Ethics https://www.globalcodeofethics.org/

Getting started

We first explore with potential clients what you would like from working with us. With coaching, the initial exploratory session is free of charge. If we don’t feel we can be of assistance or that you’d be better engaging in a different type of intervention, we will say so. If we believe we can support you, and there’s a good fit for us both, we’ll happily engage in a customized developmental partnership which can be online or face.

About Liz Hall

I’m a senior practitioner coach, mindfulness consultant and qualified mindfulness teacher/trainer, and published author/award-winning journalist.

I love learning new things. And playing a part in helping people develop, grow and transform, so they can lead increasingly authentic, courageous and fulfilling lives. I’m passionate about writing, and about drawing on coaching, mindfulness and compassion, sometimes combined in what I call Conscious Coaching, to heal and transform people, organisations and society.

Clients and colleagues describe me as insightful, warm, engaging & inspiring, gentle yet challenging, and creative. My background in journalism spans 30 years, including in business, HR and health/wellbeing. I first discovered the world of coaching as the launch editor of Coaching at Work magazine in 2005. I confess I knew nothing about coaching back then but was soon bowled over by tales of transformation, and inspired by the likes of the late Sir John Whitmore, one of coaching’s forefathers, and Nancy Kline, whose passion for coaching,
eloquence and presence spoke volumes. I decided to train as a coach in 2007 and launched Liz Hall Coaching & Associates in 2008.

I hold a Certificate in Coaching Practice from i-coach academy (accredited by the EMCC at Senior Practitioner level), Performance Coach Training’s Open certificate, the Centre for Coaching’s Primary Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. I am a licensed career coach (Firework). I am certified by the Fearless Organization to administer and debrief the Psychological Safety Index, which has been developed in conjunction with Professor Amy Edmondson, author of the seminal book, The Fearless Organisation.

Many years before that,in 1995, I’d started meditating, and I was reaping a vast array of benefits- staying sane among them! I’d discovered mindfulness when I was a single working mum, ironically writing about topics such as work/life balance yet struggling with overwhelm. For years, I was a ‘closet meditator’ as mindfulness and meditation were broadly seen back then as fluffy or solely for the deeply spiritual. But it seemed unfair to keep all these benefits to myself so I became a pioneer in researching and developing the application of mindfulness in coaching,and in blending coaching with mindfulness and compassion (an approach I call Conscious Coaching).

I write widely and speak globally on these topics. I first presented my research on mindfulness and coaching at the European Mentoring &Coaching Council’s conference in July 2012, and have presented keynote addresses/ run master classes and workshops for organisations including Henley Business School; Sheffield Hallam Business School; Nottingham Trent University; Positivity Coaching conference (Greece), the Association for Coaching (Ireland); the European Mentoring & Coaching Council; Coaching at Work; theWorld Business Executive Coaching Summit; the Chartered Institute for Personnel Development; the British Association for Counseling & Psychotherapy Coaching division; Coaching without Borders (Hungary); the Asociación Española de Coaching Ejecutivo-Organizativo y Mentoring, and the OCM. I trained as a mindfulness teacher with Bangor University’s Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (level 1), and Solterreno in Spain (level 2).


I’m a qualified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) teacher and teach MBSR to the general public. I also deliver training and development in mindfulness, including as part of leadership development, and consult on mindfulness to businesses. I’ve run mindfulness learning events for organisations including in the financial sector, the NHS, News UK, the Open University, Imperial College, i-coach academy, and Coaching without Borders (Hungary). I regularly run open Mindful/Conscious Coaching programmes, including a one-day programme via the Academy of Executive Coaching See Events.

I co-founded the International Summit for Mindfulness and Compassion at Work, which has taken place so far twice in Madrid (2017 and 2018) with keynotes from experts including Professor Megan Reitz from Ashridge, Dr Alison Carter from the Institute of Employment Studies, and DrJutta Tobias-Mortlock, formerly of Cranfield Business School.

I regularly attend mindfulness retreats, including in Plum Village, a
community founded by Thich Nhat Hanh.


My publications include Relational Mindfulness for Coaches: Enhancing presence, awareness, wisdom, compassion and courageous collaboration (with Dr Emma Donaldson-Feilder, Routledge 2025), Mindful Coaching: How mindfulness can transform coaching practice (Kogan Page, 2013), Coach Your Team (Penguin, 2019), and Coaching in Times of Crisis and Transformation (Kogan Page, 2015). Chapters on mindfulness include in Mindfulness in Organisations: Foundations, Research and Applications (Cambridge University Press, 2015), Professional Coaching: Principles and Practice (Springer, 2019), Mastery In Coaching (Association for Coaching/Kogan Page, 2014), and on compassion (Compassion focused coaching, with Palmer & Irons, in The Handbook of Coaching Psychology- Eds Palmer &Whybrow, Routledge, 2018). In addition, I’ve written thousands of articles on health, business, HR and other topics since I started out as a journalist in 1987. Publications I’ve worked for include The Guardian, The Financial Times, The Observer, The Daily Mail, People Management, Personnel Today, Doctor, Hospital Doctor, Occupational Health, Practice Nurse, Community Care, Computer Weekly, IBM Computer Today, Campaign, Training Magazine, and Employers´ Law.


I typically work at the transformational, rather than transactional, end of the coaching spectrum. The coaching will often be an emergent process (albeit with overarching aims such as improving self-awareness, shifting your way of being, becoming more authentic and so on). Sustainability is key- I encourage clients to develop an ability to coach themselves, for example. I don’t do remedial coaching.

My coaching client work focuses on areas including career and other transitions; improving stress management & resilience; enhancing emotional intelligence; transformational and compassionate leadership, and responding to the climate crisis. In additional to mindfulness, Embodied work/somatic (working with the body’s wisdom), Vertical development, Systemic Coaching, and Transpersonal Psychology are among the many influences on my coaching approach. My coaching is underpinned by a long-standing mindfulness and compassion practice, which whether I work with this explicitly or not helps me be more present and grounded for my clients, more creative, more compassionate and take a more systemic lens.

Business Experience

Since 2009, I have been a co-owner and a company director at Coaching at Work www.coaching-at-work.com following a successful management buy-out of the business from the CIPD. Running the business successfully has included building and engaging the subscriber base including through social media, creating sell-out annual conferences, managing the editorial team and producing Coaching at Work magazine, amongst others, at times in challenging economic conditions.
In addition, I’ve been running my own business providing coaching, mindfulness training and others since 2008. Coaching and training leaders from many quarters has offered me insights into challenges and opportunities for leaders and organisations in a wide range of sectors, as has working as a journalist on numerous business publications (see Publications).


I work/have worked with leaders, internal coaches and others from organisations including Tata, and from sectors including education (e.g. Escuela Europea; Boundstone Academy; Portsmouth University); healthcare (the NHS); local government (e.g. Kent County Council); housing (Poplar Harca); professional services (e.g. KPMG); publishing/broadcasting (e.g. News UK; Reed Business Information), and sustainability (e.g. Green Alliance; Sustrans).

Client engagements have included coaching:

  • The IT director at a global steel production company, who was due to take early retirement in six months’ time. Key outcomes included the director discovering their purpose going forward
  • A support coordinator who deals with victims of domestic
    violence and hate crime to cope with the stresses of their job. Key outcomes included building the client’s self-awareness and self-management, and improving their relationships with others
  • A secondary school teacher who was feeling overwhelmed in a college becoming an academy. Key outcomes: improved resilience, greater self-confidence and more authenticity as a leader

  • A global sales learning director. Key outcomes: improved effectiveness in leading a cross-functional team, improved self-awareness and supporting him to address a number of challenging situations involving multiple stakeholders
  • A leader in an environmental think-tank to execute a new organizational strategy, lead a team with new recruits, and deal with various line management challenges. The coaching focused on helping the client to address these challenges and be more authentic as a leader. Key outcomes: a more stable, cohesive and motivated team
  • Lecturer at a university’s School Of Creative Arts, Film And Media. Key outcomes: attaining better work/life balance and becoming more creative

I’m a founding and core member of the Future of Coaching Collaboration (FCC) group, a multi-stakeholder group including professional coaching bodies, academic institutions including Ashridge Business School and coaching sponsors such as KPMG and GlaxoSmithKline. The FCC has the aim of collaborating, professionalising and innovating to safeguard the coaching profession.

Membership & Awards

  • I’m a founder member of the Association for Coaching Spain, and a member of the Association for Coaching International
  • I won the Association for Coaching’s 2010-11 Award for Impacting the Coaching Profession (External)
  • I won the Periodical Training Council’s Award for Best Journalist of the Year, and have been shortlisted for other journalism awards

Giving back

  • I co-founded the multiple stakeholder body, the Future of Coaching Collaboration and am an active member
  • I regularly coach pro-bono, including with social activists
  • I launched the Climate Coaching Action Day initiative (5 March 2020)
  • I am involved in a number of local climate-crisis related initiatives such as planting trees
  • In March 2020, I co-founded the not-for-profit initiative Coaching through Covid www.coachingthroughcovid.org to offer free confidential coaching to NHS and care workers impacted by the pandemic

Membership & Awards

  • I’m a founder member of the Association for Coaching Spain, and a member of the Association for Coaching International
  • I won the Association for Coaching’s 2010-11 Award for Impacting the Coaching Profession (External)
  • I won the Periodical Training Council’s Award for Best Journalist of the Year, and have been shortlisted for other journalism awards

Giving back

  • I corresponded around mindfulness with prisoners through the Liberation Prison Project
  • I launched the Accreditation Forum gathering coaches, coaching sponsors and representatives from coaching professional bodies in a neutral space, resulting in a number of initiatives including publishing documents comparing professional body’s accreditation processes